launching problem - release 0.61 on Windows x64

JAZEIX Johnny jazeix at
Sat Nov 5 17:59:35 UTC 2016


I've uploaded both a x32 and x64 versions on which installs the vcredist 
(and so should contain anything needed):

Box2d is still not compiled for it (so no land_safe or balancebox), I'll 
take a look once I know this version works.

Can people having Windows test them?


On 11/04/16 11:15, JAZEIX Johnny wrote:
> On 08/19/16 22:49, Bruno Coudoin wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> yes, we noticed that I put the 64b dll. I tried to find the 32b in my
>>> computer, but after a test, there still was an error. After discussion
>>> with Timothée, we think that it may be better if we don't ship them
>>> but ask people to either have their computer up-to-date or download
>>> the vcredist2015.
>>> What do you think of it?
>>> Johnny
>> Hi,
>> This is a very bad idea. Windows users expect that the installer is self
>> contained. It will create a lot of trouble down the line. Most download
>> sites will refuse to distribute the demo version.
>> We have no reason to hurry but we must to it well. Perhaps looking at
>> how others are solving the issue like Krita.
>> Bruno.
> Hi,
> after checking, Krita is compiled with mingw so it does not have the 
> issue. For KStars, they directly ship the redistribuable and install 
> them automatically when installing KStars. KStars uses emerge tool 
> ( 
> to compile for windows.
> If we ship the redistribuable and install it automatically, then it 
> avoids us to find which dll are used (and taking the risk to miss 
> one). The drawback I see is that the application is not "portable" 
> (meaning able to run without installing anything).
> Johnny

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