launching problem - release 0.61 on Windows x64

JAZEIX Johnny jazeix at
Fri Nov 4 10:15:13 UTC 2016

On 08/19/16 22:49, Bruno Coudoin wrote:
> Hi,
>> yes, we noticed that I put the 64b dll. I tried to find the 32b in my
>> computer, but after a test, there still was an error. After discussion
>> with Timothée, we think that it may be better if we don't ship them
>> but ask people to either have their computer up-to-date or download
>> the vcredist2015.
>> What do you think of it?
>> Johnny
> Hi,
> This is a very bad idea. Windows users expect that the installer is self
> contained. It will create a lot of trouble down the line. Most download
> sites will refuse to distribute the demo version.
> We have no reason to hurry but we must to it well. Perhaps looking at
> how others are solving the issue like Krita.
> Bruno.


after checking, Krita is compiled with mingw so it does not have the 
issue. For KStars, they directly ship the redistribuable and install 
them automatically when installing KStars. KStars uses emerge tool 
to compile for windows.

If we ship the redistribuable and install it automatically, then it 
avoids us to find which dll are used (and taking the risk to miss one). 
The drawback I see is that the application is not "portable" (meaning 
able to run without installing anything).


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