[GCompris-devel] Proposal review

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net
Wed Mar 23 07:25:39 UTC 2016

Le 23/03/2016 08:10, Komal Parmaar a écrit :
> Hi,
> I am attaching the link to my proposal. Kindly review it and suggest
> me necessary edits.
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bg0LCCmGNVTCSr9L0r5otHh_BuHxoIvaBAMNqhex22U/edit?usp=sharing

Thanks for your proposal. We need more details on each activity, what it
will look like, how we play with it and some technically hightligths
when needed. Also you propose too many activities, it depends on
complexity but 4 of them is usually a max.


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