[GCompris-devel] GCompris is now on the iOS store

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net
Sat Feb 6 13:13:15 UTC 2016

Hi all,

I am glad to announce that GCompris is now available on the Apple iOS
store (iPad and iPhone).

Due to the closed approach Apple has on its iDevices it is not possible
to my knowledge to provide it freely outside the store like we provide
the apk on gcompris.net for Android.

So far the best I found is that Apple allows me to provide up to 100
promo codes. This allows you to get GCompris for free on the store. I
will give one to anybody who ask me (mail me in private).

Two years ago I just went out with the insane project of rewriting
GCompris in Qt Quick and provide a version to mobile users. Many of you
joined the project and made the dream comes true. We now have a free
software for children available on all major platforms and most
important we give them the ability to choose a free operating system.

We now have a solid software foundation, a vibrant little community and
almost completed the Gtk+ port. There are still many things to do. I
would like to see more innovative activities, we can experiment,
exchange with teachers and find activities that will help them and the
children in their teaching.

May your dreams come true,


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