[GCompris-devel] GCompris refused on iOS

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net
Wed Feb 3 11:49:04 UTC 2016

Le 03/02/2016 12:22, roopesh shenoy a écrit :
> Cache would be a bad place to put it - System can delete cache files
> whenever disk memory gets full, for e.g.
And this is fine for the voices. For instance the user may not use
GCompris currently but need space. Erasing .cache is fine for us,
nothing lost.

> I don't know what AppData maps to - if it maps to "Application
> Support" in iOS then yes that would be a good place to put it (and I
> think it will not sync then).
I don't think this is writable.
> About clipboard, sorry, I left that sentence half - I meant to say
> "Even copy to clipboard will be cumbersome".
> You're right, wikipedia is not kid friendly - it was just an example.
> It could be sites controlled by GCompris project, which are definitely
> not linking anywhere. 
> Taking a step back, what's the purpose here? When do we link out of
> GCompris, outside of the normal "about us" links? Are there activities
> in GCompris that rely on this?
> I think having a use-case in mind might help.
In some activities we put links to let the children get more information
on the concept. Usually it drives the children to go further, the
activity help should have enough info to start with. But this is quiet
rare, just checked and there a 4 links like this. The second case are
credit links (about 6 like this).


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