[GCompris-devel] Recent tests on GCompris 0.41 for Android

Antoni Bella PĂ©rez antonibella5 at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 31 08:29:27 UTC 2015


  I've been playing with GCompris activities and seen these malfunctions:

- Activities affected by the sound overlap with the final congratulations (it 
needs a time delay):
    * memory-sound
    * memory-sound-tux
    * instruments

- On a touch device, Tux just turn on itself, does not advance:
    * mazerelative

- Audio lost during the game:
    * click_on_letter
    * click_on_letter_up

and a leak into code file (imageid/resource/content-it.json):
    "dream.ogg": "sognare,


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