[GCompris-devel] Bug in the translation system

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net
Fri Jan 16 20:57:44 UTC 2015

Le 16/01/2015 18:58, Karl Ove Hufthammer a écrit :
> On 16. jan. 2015 01:47, Bruno Coudoin wrote:
>> That said, we have a problem now because KDE translator already 
>> updated our translations based on master. So our plan to publish a 
>> bug fix release for the Andoid version is more complicated. 
> I don’t understand this (I’m a translator for KDE). What is the problem?

We now have a stable version in origin/KDE/0.26 and we wanted to keep 
the ability to patch it and publish a fixed stable version.

But being in playground it is not possible to have a stable branch and 
as the KDE translation points to our master and they have been updated, 
we no more have a direct access to the translations of our stable version.

We are now in kdereview and hopefully soon in extragear which will solve 

That said we may consider doing a release of the current master as it is 
mostly bug fixes and little incremental improvements. The biggest 
change  is the full rewrite of imageid to use the 1000 images of 
http://www.art4apps.org/ that we had in the Gtk+ version.


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