[gcompris-devel] Global learning XPRIZE

Frederico Goncalves Guimaraes frederico at teia.bio.br
Fri Sep 26 09:58:36 UTC 2014

Hi Bruno and others,

Em Fri, 26 Sep 2014 02:25:21 +0200
Bruno Coudoin <bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net> escreveu:

> Concerning XPRIZE we assume children that don't read this is why the 
> voices are important to start with.

Hummm... Got the point now. I visited the XPRIZE site with more
attention and now I'm understanding it a little more.

> > I see some problems with it. First, the size of voices files, that
> > would grow GCompris size significantly.
> Today the english voices takes 16MB. It takes a lot if we want to 
> address all the language but for english only it would be probably
> fine. We don't have the specification of the tablet so will see.

Well, I super estimated the size of the voice files. And we could use
here the same approach of Debian: individual packages for each
language. So we could install only the languages that are necessary.

> >   Second, it would be a HUGE work
> Once you have the message to record, the proper mic and a nice voice 
> around it goes pretty fast. This is an annoying task to check the
> files, cut them and save them in the proper files.

You're right.

> > to make all these records. And third, enable this by default would
> > be very annoying, specially if you have a laboratory with many users
> > playing with GCompris.  :-)
> >
> Here we are targetting children alone in a village. If we get there
> we could have option to toggle spoken hints and accomodate schools.

This is a good idea. We could have separated options for in board
voices, announcements and hints, so we could toggle them separately.

Best regards,

Linux User #228171
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