[gcompris-devel] Xprize

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net
Thu Sep 25 22:14:35 UTC 2014

Le 25/09/2014 20:16, Emmanuel Charruau a écrit :
> So for basic reading/writing I guess the challenge is possible. For
> mathematical, geometry is feasible, and I am 100% sure that for
> calculation/counting our method would be 100 times more efficient than what
> we do in a class today in France, because it would allow kids to go to
> their own pace.


Thanks a lot for you precise study of the project. I am quiet impressed 
by the deep knowledge you have. I have not looked at your links but I 
believe you and I feel better on the pedagogical side of the project.

Now, let's say we have coded the activities in GCompris that supports 
these methods. Then the project starts and we give the tablets to 
children. How do we ensure that the children are engaged in the 
activities and that they will progress into it.

I had some thinking about it and maybe we can pick a gaming strategy 
where you have to pass some levels to open the next one. What kind of 
rewards can we put in place to raise and keep the interest of the 
children in progressing. Do we have to or the open approach of GCompris 
is correct in this situation.

Another point we should think about. You pointed me several times that 
it is good to have children explain others. Since we will have children 
of different age, some will learn faster than others. It would be nice 
if we could one way or another encourage the best children to teach the 


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