[gcompris-devel] GCompris's future

Frederico Goncalves Guimaraes frederico at teia.bio.br
Mon Feb 10 00:40:13 UTC 2014

Hi Yannis and others,

Consta no registro YT09120 do Livro da Grande Teia que
Yannis, em 09/02/14 escreveu o seguinte:

> >> 4) the channel editbox could be type: hidden/password, so others
> >> cannot just look on your screen to find it.
> > This is not that important to hide it, I assume this will be used
> > in a classroom or a home where the children is safe.
> Imagine 10year old boys trying to snoop in a channel and flooding it
> with messages. I have seen it happen.

As Bruno said, it depends on where you are using the chat activity. And
if this happens in a classroom, it can be used to discuss netiquette on
chats. 10 years old boys need to discuss this too.  ;-)

> >> 5) An elevated account (how can this be implemented?), can have
> >> access to all channels and ban/mute a user.
> > I don't think anybody will want to take this role. This also means
> > that anybody could easily spy the users, not desirable.
> The teacher wants this role.

Not necessarily. Again, in a classroom, free talk is a good way to
stimulate children to discuss. If a teacher wants to reprehend a
children with bad behavior on chat, he/she can talk his/her
personally.  :-)


Linux User #228171
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