[gcompris-devel] Admin proof of concept

Frederico Goncalves Guimaraes frederico at teia.bio.br
Thu Aug 14 01:13:46 UTC 2014

Hi Bruno and others,

Consta no registro BC12592 do Livro da Grande Teia que
Bruno, em 12/08/14 escreveu o seguinte:

> I tried to access it from Randa and did not succeeded. In fact it
> requires a google account to access it and in my case google thinks I
> speak german because I am in Randa. Anyway, even if this is
> practical, it is not very appropriate for a free software project to
> rely on proprietary tools.

Agree. I'll comment more about it on the other message.

> Today we exposed our project to the KDE-Edu team and received a lot of
> encouragements. They had a such project in mind a few years ago but
> nobody at that time went further than the specification stage. Will
> see how far we can go on this because this is a quiet big project by
> itself.

Good to know about KDE-Edu team encouragements. Hope you can advance
with the ideas!


Linux User #228171
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