[gcompris-devel] Please include Lithuanian voices into GCompris - http://download.vikis.lt/baltix/devel/vertimai/gcompris/voices-lt-alphabet.zip

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net
Sun Oct 27 17:56:35 UTC 2013

Thanks a lot, this is commited.


Le 27/10/2013 01:26, Mantas Kriaučiūnas a écrit :
> Hi Bruno,
> Here are Lithuanian voices (lt/alphabet) in zip archive:
> http://download.vikis.lt/baltix/devel/vertimai/gcompris/voices-lt-alphabet.zip
> and here is another copy of the same file: http://ubuntuone.com/0fgwhogOqxwqEVaKIPMkfd
> Please give credids to authors of lt voices:
> Jonas Jakštys & Rolandas Jakštys
> Btw, I see you already merged my improvements to website translatios:
> https://github.com/bdoin/GCompris-site/pull/5
> Thanks :)
> Mantas Kriaučiūnas,
> Main developer of Ubuntu-based Baltix operating system:
> http://launchpad.net/baltix
> On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 05:01:57PM +0200, Bruno Coudoin wrote:
>> Le 26/10/2013 16:39, Mantas Kriaučiūnas a écrit :
>>> Please don't make release tonight - I have Lithuanian voices, just need to
>>> check if names are correct
>>> Should I send zipped ogg files to this mailing list?
>> Ok to wait for your files but do not send large files to the list. It is
>> probably too big for the list anyway.
>> You can use a file distribution service like dropbox or just fork the
>> voice project on git up and send me a pull request:
>> https://github.com/bdoin/GCompris-voices
> On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 02:25:11PM +0200, Bruno Coudoin wrote:
>> Thanks a lot to every translators who already updated their translations.
>> I got several request to shift the release. The new release date is next
>> week the 27th.
>> Le 03/10/2013 00:05, Bruno Coudoin a écrit :
>>> Le 16/08/2013 01:09, Bruno Coudoin a écrit :
>>>> I just published a new beta version of GCompris. I plan to finalize
>>>> the release in September. Even if it is not yet ready for a string
>>>> freeze, it is a good opportunity to update your translation.
>>>> Beside the regular po work, this release includes a new activity to
>>>> let children review and memorize words, in their native or a target
>>>> language. It presents a set of image, text and voice to children and
>>>> an exercise set around them. This includes about 1000 images and for
>>>> now we have voices in English, Spanish, French, and Gaelic-Scottish.
>>>> In order to make it available in your language, you must provide a
>>>> voice recording of each words and an UTF-8 encoded file named
>>>> content.txt that contains the translation of each word as spoken in
>>>> the ogg file. The ogg files and the content.txt are in the directory
>>>> boards/voices/<locale>/words.
>>>> You can see the list with the English texts and the images here:
>>>> http://gcompris.net/incoming/lang/words.html
>>>> For those motivated enough to pick a microphone, I maintain here some
>>>> instructions for voice recorders:
>>>> http://gcompris.net/wiki/Voices_translation
>>>> Last point, we started to use the Q_ macro to disambiguate some
>>>> strings. In the documentation it is mentioned that we must pass
>>>> --keyword=Q_ to xgettext. I tried to look at how did other projects
>>>> but saw no effect in the po file, help is appreciated.
>>>> https://developer.gnome.org/glib/2.34/glib-I18N.html#Q-:CAPS

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