[gcompris-devel] Font selector

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net
Sun Nov 17 14:51:40 UTC 2013


I just added a font selector in the configuration dialog box.

Since there is not much more room in it. I removed the skin selector and 
thus the black skin. It was not as cute and fine tuned as the colorfull one.

It makes it easy to use GCompris with an other font. We already 
mentioned the Ruluko font for handwriting but another use case is 
dyslexic children by using the opendyslexic font :

It is easy to install a new font on desktop systems. On Linux, once the 
font is copied under a directory in '/usr/share/fonts/' the command 
'sudo fc-cache -f -v' must be ran to refresh the font list.

Once the font is known to the system, the selector in GCompris will 
propose it.

This is committed in trunk, for those who like to compile, your test is 


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