[gcompris-devel] New activity to enrich the vocabulary

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net
Mon May 13 17:37:01 UTC 2013

Le 10. 05. 13 11:56, Bruno Coudoin a écrit :
> Hi,
> I just commited a new activity in which children can review a set of words.
> Each word is shown with a voice a text and an image. When done they are
> suggested an exercice in which, given the voice, you must find the right
> word.
> The images and voices comes from the Art4Apps project:
> http://www.art4apps.org/.
> You can also access this activity online on http://laske.fr/abecedarium/
> So far we have a voice set for English and French. I contacted Art4Apps
> to see if they can provide us a zip with all the voices in the other
> voice set. Then there is some work to do to make the association between
> a word and an image. I'll get back here to request help if we get it.
> In order to test it, you must get the latest version in git master and
> in git voices, install GCompris and run it with 'gcompris
> --reread-menu'. The new activity is in the reading section.
> I believe this is a great enhancement to GCompris. Also with this new
> dataset there are opportunities to create new or enhance our activities.
> Bruno.


Finally some screenshots.

To get an overview, a set of 12 images (in a list of 1000) is proposed 
to the children. The voice of the word is spoken:

When the list is all seen the children is proposed an exercise. The 
first step of the exercise  is to review the 12 words:

Then to review again the 12 words but without the text in the target area:

Then more complex, with no text at all:

An at last, the children must type the word:


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