[gcompris-devel] Testing the lang activity

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net
Sun Jun 9 23:37:54 UTC 2013

Hi all,

I just integrated the voice sets from Smart4Kids.com. So now we have the 
voices for english, french, spanish, afrikaans and deutch.

In order to gather some feedback without creating a new version, I 
created a tar ball with the lang activity.

To install it, extract it under your GCompris installation directory. It 
is platform independant.

Once extracted, you have to inform GCompris to rescan the activity list 
gcompris --reread-menu

Alternativaly if you have no specific configuration in your GCompris you 
can remove the file gcompris_sqlite.db in your home directory.

The file is about 115MB and can be downloaded here:

I have not tested the tar, let me know if this does not work. If it does 
your feedback will be appreciated.

It is important to check there is no errors in the game and thus in the 
data files. It won't be fixed unless the errors are reported.


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