[gcompris-devel] GCompris clone on iOS (Apple iPhone / iPad)

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net
Tue Feb 26 21:33:03 UTC 2013

Le 08. 02. 13 16:59, Frederico Goncalves Guimaraes a écrit :
> I finally put my hands on an iPad (from a friend), installed and 
> tested Yellow Duck. The iTunes page for it is here: 
> https://itunes.apple.com/th/app/yellow-duck-educational-software/id592411421?mt=8 
> First, licensing. As you can see on the page, there isn't any 
> information of Yellow Duck license. There is only this paragraph on 
> description: "This is a re-write of the Gcompris educational software, 
> licensed under GPLv3. In accordance with GPLv3, the source code is 
> available upon request." It's ambiguous: what is licensed under GPLv3? 
> GCompris? Yellow Duck? Both? (I know GCompris is under GPLv3, but it's 
> not clear for other people).


Their application is under GPL, they offer to provide you the code is 
you ask them. I got it from them.

> Second, interface. Initial screen (and main menu) is very simple and 
> only shows a texturized background with icons to the activities groups 
> (instead of a lateral menu as on GCompris. Help is simplified too. It 
> only show the "Objective" tab, with a tiny letter, very unconfortable 
> to read. And there is only one setup option: to toggle music. No logo, 
> no credits, no about. Thirdly, activities. They have "Discovery" and 
> "Reading" activities, but not all of them. And only twelve are active 
> on free version. Fourthly, languages. Only English. And, for the 
> accent, from UK. :-) My conclusion is that they need to work a lot 
> more to make it attractive. It looks like an unfinished work (more 
> like a beta). And I don't think it's ready for App Store as it is. It 
> was a wise decision not let them call this GCompris, Bruno. 

Thanks for your feedback. I think it is fair to give them time to make 
their version as polished as GCompris is today. I just remember that in 
the early days GCompris was rather buggy and uggly. It takes time to 
make good software.

> It's written, but you have to open the complete description of the 
> software to see this. But I don't think people would try GCompris 
> after play with it. There is only one comment on App Store about the 
> software and it's title is "Horrible horrible horrible!!!!!!!!", with 
> this text: "This is the worst children's game I've ever purchased. It 
> is not kid friendly and does not work properly. I would like a refund 
> for this app since it does not work!" Really not good propaganda for 
> GCompris. :-( Best regards, Frederico 

Hum, it is true that when you sell an application, buyers expect a good 
quality level. I took GCompris several years before we get to a point 
that the application could reach a commercial level even if I had not 
this in mind at first.

Will see if they have enough  patience to complete their project.


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