[gcompris-devel] Play PIano! and more

Beth Hadley bhadley at mit.edu
Fri Apr 19 15:09:06 UTC 2013


I can respond to a few of the music-related activity questions. See
below. Thanks for your interest!

On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 8:04 AM, Clem, Brian T. <brian.clem at ocps.net> wrote:
> I have just joined this mailing group so I apologize if this has already been discussed.
> 1.  Play Piano! starts on level 6.  There is no GO or start button.  This non-start issue occurred after I pulled the latest version from GIT.  I hope reporting this is not an error on my part.
>> I am not able to look into this. Bruno?
> 2.  Note Challenge; Level 4.  No sound when clicking on letter names.  This might be by design as Level 3 allows checking against the music notation.  It might be an increase in the level of difficulty which I would be ok with.  Just wanted to point it out if this was not the desired result.
>> Yes, the idea was that as levels increase, students should learn to recognize the notes by symbol rather than pitch.
> 3.  Experimental: Pilot a Submarine.  close should be closed.  your should be you.  Please see the parentheses
> Click on different active elements : engine, rudders and air tanks, in order to navigate to the required depth. There is a close(closed) gate on the right. After the first level, your(you) have to catch the jewel to open it. Pass through it to reach the next level.
>> I am not able to look into this.
> 4.  Music notation: general request.  Is it possible, when dealing with a single measure pattern, to use a 'natural' sign to explain the canceling of a sharp if the next note is same letter name but 1/2 step lower than the previous altered note?
> If C# then C, the second C without an additional # would still be C# until the end of the measure.  Can a natural sign be added to the C after the altered C#?
>> Yes, agreed. Unfortunately I didn't code into GCompris any idea of measures or time signatures. Perhaps future music activities can incorporate this, and in the process add in the appropriate accidental canceling. I think that would be a terrific addition to the software.
> 5.  Music notation:  general request.  I really know that I LOVE the music apps as well as the other science and math apps.  Please don't take my email as anything other than me trying to offer an additional set of eyes to a program I truly love.  OK,  finally, is it possible to allow the octave above middle C to lower its stem so that it points down?  If its a programming necessity to keep the stems the same direction, that is fine.  I am not yet at the point where I would know if this creates way more code to address just one slight issue/request.  Usually the notes above the middle line b would have the stems pointing down as to keep the majority of the stem inside the staff.  Of course this is a music rule, which means that is can be broken ;)  and is often broken if the group of beamed notes start low and end high in the staff and the composer makes a decision in that instance to keep the group in a direction that would possibly break the general stem rule on a few note basics.
> >Yes, GCompris is a living project, always continuing to be improved. The more ideas, the better this project becomes. Thank you for your comments ;-)

Something you'll learn as you begin to work more with GCompris is that
unfortunately we have to make a few sacrifices as to not get too
caried away in the details. I had to make a few of those when making
the activities, to keep things from getting way too complicated for
the time I had. But in general, I have wanted to implement that
change, but haven't yet. It's not too terribly complex, but there's
some code digging you'll have to do to make it happen. If you're
interested, I can help you look through and see if we can make the

Thanks so much for your comments!
>    ♯♫♮♫♭♫ Brian Clem ♭♫♮♫♯♫♮♩
>              Music Teacher
>    Durrance Elementary School
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