[gcompris-devel] Release 12.11PRE1
Frederico Goncalves Guimaraes
frederico at teia.bio.br
Thu Nov 1 00:45:07 UTC 2012
Hi Bruno and others,
Consta no registro BC24033 do Livro da Grande Teia que
Bruno, em 24/10/12 escreveu o seguinte:
> It's time to have a little pre-release to make some better testing.
I'm really sorry, but I have a lot of work along the last two months
and only today I had time to analyze the activities. They are great,
but I would like to make some suggestions on both "Explore...."
First, on "Explore Farm Animals", there is a misinformation in White
Duck text. Their feathers aren't waterproof. In fact, they have a gland
that secretes an oil that the duck spread on their feathers when goes
to water. So, I suggest to change the phrase (maybe something like
"Ducks have special features like webbed feat and produce an oil to
make their feathers waterproof"?)
Still on this activity, we have the cows. The last phrase ("Cows have
many uses, including for milk and meat") is absolute unnecessary. Cows
are living beings, they don't need to be "useful" (specially if their
"usefulness" is to be killed to produce something). So, I would like to
take this phrase off.
Lastly, I would like to suggest an alteration on "Exlore World Music".
Please use "United States of America", or "U.S.A." when referring to the
country. "America" is the entire continent and include a lot of
If I saw this activity sooner, I would suggest "Samba" from Brazil and
"Tango" from Argentina. But let's include them on next version. :-)
So, once more, sorry by my late contributions, but since GCompris is
very used in a lot of schools here in Brazil, it wouldn't be good if it
has any error.
Best regards,
Linux User #228171
Sítio pessoal: http://teia.bio.br
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Software Livre Educacional: http://sleducacional.org
"Liberdade, essa palavra que o sonho humano alimenta, que não há
ninguém que explique e ninguém que não entenda." (Cecília Meireles)
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