[gcompris-devel] Need Help About contributing

Apurva Tripathi alonemayank at gmail.com
Thu Feb 16 09:42:48 UTC 2012

Well ,
             I was trying to get start with the link you provided but I
think I need to discuss more about the ideas to get start. I am willing to
do something but as I am not very comfortable with the code , It may take
little more time. Let us start with image/letter association activity.
Apart from it I also have idea to add activities like Recognition of Body
Parts,  A world Map activity and Know about Religions activity. Kids
usually read these things in books so we can put a little effort to make
this fun but I am not very sure if it is a practical idea to implement.
Please let me know what do you think?

*Apurva Tripathi*

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