[gcompris-devel] Bruno goes Brazil

Frederico Goncalves Guimaraes fgguimaraes at teia.bio.br
Thu Oct 14 10:27:36 UTC 2010

Hi Fionn and everybody else,

Consta no registro %FZ13363 do Livro da Grande Teia que,
em 13/10/10, Fionn escreveu o seguinte:

> I like the idea with different bins. It could be one game with
> different mods... e.g: one for the recycle stuff, one with nouns and
> verbs, one for easy math operations with 2-4 bins at the bottom and
> the child choose the correct one....
> "I am not a teacher and GCompris is done for them."
> Thats a good objection.  I am not a teacher neither... So I could ask
> a teachers opinion...

Well, I'm a teacher from Brazil and, as littlebat said, the better way
to evaluate your work is seeing it.  :-)  So, keep going. And when
you'll have a version with graphics, please tell us, so we can test it,

And one more thing. I liked this idea from Bruno:

"So instead of having a falling object style with a moving bin, another
option is to drag and drop object in the proper bin."

We can work many habilities with children using this approach (mouse
movement, pattern recognition, motor coordination, ...) . It's a great

Best regards,

Linux User #228171
Debian-BR User #434
Sítio pessoal: http://teia.bio.br
Projeto Software Livre Educacional: http://sleducacional.org

"Liberdade, essa palavra que o sonho humano alimenta, que não há
ninguém que explique e ninguém que não entenda." (Cecília Meireles)

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