[gcompris-devel] urgent: Translate word into Chinese result in "/reading/memory_wordnumber" activity can't work

littlebat dashing.meng at gmail.com
Sat Jan 16 04:12:08 UTC 2010


I'm updating Chinese translation for V9.0. But, when I translated word of number to Chinese, the activity stop work.

For detail see:  https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=607056

I found the word of number hasn't been translated into French
 under fr_FR.UTF-8 locale. If we can't translate the word of the number, or a bug in program?

If we can't translate the word of a number into Chinese, I will don't translated these words of numbers. 

Anyone known this please give me an answer. I need finish the translation before release V9.1. Thanks.

PS: I have commited several bugs when I check my translation in GCompris. See: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=product%3A%22gcompris%22+
littlebat <dashing.meng at gmail.com>

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