[gcompris-devel] Running an activity out from GCompris

Jaume Obrador obrador at espaiweb.net
Tue Feb 16 07:26:09 UTC 2010

Thanks a lot, it has been very useful. I anaged to install the electric
application into my system. Now I need some more help from you:

I would like to modify the game, making an smaller icons, changing code
to fit new sizes (I already done this, downloading the full
gcompris-electric-9.1-3.tar.bz2 and changed the code), but I need to put
this changed application on the air. I tried to upload that file on a
server of mine, and change the electric.xml to reflect the server
change, but I get some security errors. My question is

- Can I build a deb self-installation file for ubuntu?
- Can I simply tar.bz2 again the modified files and install on a new
computer without having to use zero install?

Sorry to be so confusing, what I really need, in a few words, is to
modify the activity on my PC and share it with about 40 netbooks on my
class and run it.

Kind regards,

El dj 11 de 02 de 2010 a les 08:39 +0000, en/na Aleksey Lim va escriure:
> On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 08:21:28AM +0100, Jaume Obrador wrote:
> > Hi, I'm new to the list, so maybe this question is already answered
> > previously. I haven't found anything useful on google:
> > 
> > The question is simply: Can I run an individual activity out of
> > GCompris? is it possible to compile or execute the activity without
> > having to install full GCompris? 
> > 
> > I'm specially interested in electric activity.
> > 
> > Many thanks in advance.
> > Jaume Obrador.
> You are at the right moment :)
> If you don't want build GC by yourself, you can use 0install feed, for
> electric activity it is
> http://services.sugarlabs.org/gcompris/electric.xml
> insall last zeroinstall-injector from
> http://download.sugarlabs.org/services/zeroinstall-injector/bundles/zeroinstall-injector-latest.sh
> (it is patched version of upstream project, original programm could not
> work)
> And follow http://0install.net/injector-using.html tutorials to know how
> to use 0install feeds.

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