[gcompris-devel] On track for 9.1 this Week End.

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Wed Feb 10 21:08:58 UTC 2010

Le mercredi 10 février 2010 à 14:29 +0100, denis.a.b a écrit :
> Le mercredi 10 février 2010 à 00:01 +0100, Bruno Coudoin a écrit :
> > Le mardi 09 février 2010 à 23:19 +0100, denis.a.b a écrit :
> > > Today the gcompris 9.1.1 is in the offcial fedora "updates" repository.
> > > I installed it and at first look I can tell:
> > > - Obvious big performance issue, it is quickly becoming VERY slow
> > > everywhere after a few games.
> > 
> > I am not that happy with the performance but never saw a degradation
> > over time. Can you make the test without the sounds (gcompris -m).
> I tested gcompris 9.1.1 without the sound (-m) and it is all right!
> I re-tested gcompris with sound on, and "top" in another window, in fact
> the "pulseaudio" process goes to 85% CPU relatively quickly once
> gcompris is started (no obvious reason that can be repetitive), and
> never goes down, so with only 15% CPU left for gcompris no surprise it
> is so slow.
> pulseaudio is version 0.9.21-4.fc12
> During my tests there was no major Linux swapping, and I can't really
> tell if there is a relation between the audio process eating cpu-time
> and being a little short of memory.

I am glad it's not GCompris's fault but we have a memory leak anyway.
On the pulse audio topic, on Ubuntu karmic GCompris crashes very
frequently, there is a bug open there:

Bruno Coudoin
http://gcompris.net  Free educational software for kids
http://toulibre.org  Logiciel Libre à Toulouse
http://april.org     Promouvoir et défendre le Logiciel Libre

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