[gcompris-devel] Hydroelectric dam

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net
Wed Dec 22 23:14:00 UTC 2010


Following my presence at Latinoware 2010, and the visit of Itaipu, I got
the idea to create a new activity to learn about an hydroelectric dam. I
started to work on it and I have enough to show.

I would like you all to let you test it before it is released in the
next release.

To do this, I created a tar ball of the activity. All you have to do is
to untar it under xxx/share/gcompris. xxx depends on where is installed
GCompris on your system, for example:
- /usr/share/gcompris on GNU/Linux with a distro package
- /usr/local/share/gcompris on GNU/Linux but with a manual compilation
- C:\Program Files\GCompris\share\gcompris
- /Applications/GCompris.app/Contents/ (unsure, I don't have MaxOSX
  running by now)

Last point, once untarred there, you must run 'gcompris --reread-menu'
to make the activity appears.

So far, I am completing this activity with a solar panel and a wind farm
so that all the consumers can be switched on when all the producers are
running. By the solar panel will run only when the sun is up, and the
wind farm when there is a cloud.

Let me know if you can make it run and what do you think of it.


Bruno Coudoin
http://gcompris.net  Free educational software for kids
http://toulibre.org  Logiciel Libre à Toulouse
http://april.org     Promouvoir et défendre le Logiciel Libre

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