[gcompris-devel] Some bugs in gcompris.net website

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Sun Apr 18 10:25:38 UTC 2010

Le dimanche 18 avril 2010 à 10:44 +0800, littlebat a écrit :
> I found some bugs in gcompris.net website when I updated translation.
> 1, I can't create a new language translation for original English page with
> the way as before. For example, in page "
> http://gcompris.net/ecrire/articles.php3?id_article=104 ", I can click a
> little triangle to create a new translation for this page before, but I
> can't do it this time.

Ok, I fixed that one. When I imported the web site on the new server
some configuration have been lost.

> 2, There isn't any content in page " http://gcompris.net/-Screenshots- " and
> " http://gcompris.net/-On-one-page- " when some other languages has it.

This drives me crazy. I fixed that one this week. I don't know what I am
doing wrong.

Houra, it works again. I am not sure but it seems like the multilingual
option I activated fixed the issue.

> 3, It seems URL Rewrite rules stoped working in GCompris Wiki. For example,
> in page " http://gcompris.net/Translator-howto ", the link "
> http://gcompris.net/wiki/index.php/Developer's_corner " can't work.

Thanks to the spip community I understood that simply the link was

Thanks a lot for taking care of the sites. By the way I gave you the
admin right on the spip and wiki side.


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