[gcompris-devel] GCompris on MacOSX finally !

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Thu Apr 8 20:36:40 UTC 2010

Le mercredi 07 avril 2010 à 09:56 +0200, F Wolff a écrit :
> Op Di, 2010-04-06 om 02:04 +0200 skryf Bruno Coudoin:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I completed the build and packaging of GCompris on MacOSX (Intel only).
> > I did it on 10.4 (Tiger) so I have no idea if it works on other MacOSX
> > versions.
> > 
> > You can download the bundle here :
> > http://gcompris.net/incoming/GCompris.app.dmg
> > 
> > The non persistent activation code is 123321. If you need a persistent
> > one, just let me know.
> > 
> > I am very interested in your feedback, even if it works for you.
> > 
> > Thanks for your help,
> Hallo Bruno
> Well done on the progress.  I tested it here on 10.5 (can't remember the
> animal). First impressions are that everything is working!
> Here are a few other notes that might be useful. I realise that they
> might not all be considered bugs, but I'm just writing as I see things.
>  - Sound and music is working
>  - Full screen seems to be the default, although it doesn't use all the
> height, only the full width.

I got that one also and already have a fix.

>  - The heading "Loading activity from database" is untranslated,
> although the activities flashing by seems to be translated. Only tested
> in Afrikaans and German.

Sure it's a new string.

>  - On the code screen it says that the Windows version only contains 36
> activities - I guess that should refer to the OSX version.


>  - The icon displays beautifully in the thing at the bottom.
>  - The text size on the help screens were a bit small in full screen. It
> is probably the correct size for the operating system, but was a bit
> surprising while everything else is bigger.

Don't know what to do with this. Will see later.

>  - discovery/memory_grou/railroad - I couldn't see the hand to click on
> to verify

The game detects the game end normaly. Perhaps there is a bug. I just
tested the first level and it worked on Mac.

>  - in discovery/memory_grou/memory_sound_tux it often seemed that some
> of the Tux are clicked without me having clicked it (as if the game is
> playing itself). On two occasions this seemed to cause a deadlock where
> I couldn't continue the game and had to change levels to be able to play
> again.

Isn't it because you play against Tux (there is 2 versions of this
activity) ?

>  - For the reading exercise, the voice instructions continued after I
> left the game

As for any activity, we don't have the code to cut a playing sound.

>  - Gnuchess crashed immediately after my first move as white.
> Relaunching didn't help. Quitting the chess game, closed the whole
> GCompris

I got that one also and got a fix. Need more time to integrate it
properly (I have to include gnome-gnuchess in our source tree and use it
on mac).

>  - Things didn't work in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Persian, or Urdu.
> The only non-Latin language that I could get to render was Russian. I
> didn't go through all of them, but I guess something is wrong here. The
> system definitely has fonts installed for these languages.

Hum, perhaps a GTK problem. I don't do anything special for that. Will
see later.

Thanks for your help, it was definitely useful.

Bruno Coudoin
http://gcompris.net  Free educational software for kids
http://toulibre.org  Logiciel Libre à Toulouse
http://april.org     Promouvoir et défendre le Logiciel Libre

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