[gcompris-devel] GCompris release 8.5RC3

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Sun Nov 15 20:43:29 UTC 2009

Le samedi 14 novembre 2009 à 20:36 +0800, julien forgeat a écrit :
> Last, as the build went fine on Ubuntu, do you need anything tested in
> particular? 

Well everything has to be tested.

BTW, I just found that I forgot to repatch pygoocanvas with our
goocanvas.Svg item. That is why the administration module is broken and
several python activity as well.

I have to work on this.

Bruno Coudoin
http://gcompris.net  Free educational software for kids
http://toulibre.org  Logiciel Libre à Toulouse
http://april.org     Promouvoir et défendre le Logiciel Libre

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