[gcompris-devel] [ANNOUNCE] Gcompris mirror at Sugarlabs

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Thu Nov 12 22:33:16 UTC 2009

Le jeudi 12 novembre 2009 à 20:04 -0200, Sérgio Durigan Júnior a écrit :
> I've been working on the colorblind support for Gcompris,

This is great, I don't remember you talking about that project. Where
are you on this, I hope you are working on the gcomprixogoo branch. How
can we help, I am willing to integrate this, I thing its important for

Bruno Coudoin
http://gcompris.net  Free educational software for kids
http://toulibre.org  Logiciel Libre à Toulouse
http://april.org     Promouvoir et défendre le Logiciel Libre

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