[gcompris-devel] Delay code while playing gc_bonus_display animation

julien forgeat julienforgeat at gmail.com
Thu Nov 5 14:46:22 UTC 2009

On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 3:30 PM, Bruno Coudoin <bruno.coudoin at free.fr> wrote:
> Le mercredi 04 novembre 2009 à 10:17 +0800, julien forgeat a écrit :
>> Dear all,
>> I have just started to code a simple activity and I am struggling a
>> bit with gc_bonus_display.
> Hi,
> This is good news, what is your activity going to do ?

Hello Bruno,

I have started to work on some English learning activities, following
your instructions bellow I have finished a simple alphabet learning
applet and started a number learning one. On this topic, I would also
be interested to know where I shall add the activities, for the moment
I have put them in "reading" but it's probably not the best place.

>> I would like to have the execution of my code delayed while
>> gc_bonus_display's animation is played, is there a standard GCompris
>> way to do that?
> Yes, there are plenty of examples in the code. If you are working in C,
> look at the file erase.c for the function call:
>  timer_id = gtk_timeout_add (2000, (GtkFunction) finished, NULL);
> Take care to properly delete the timer when the activity is closed with:
>    gtk_timeout_remove (timer_id);

Thanks for that, I have reread the code from another activity and have
understood my mistake, I was trying to do too many things in the click
event call. I am working with C as I don't know much about python.

>> For reference, I am working with the source package from Ubuntu 9.04
>> (so 8.4.4) and I am Julien_BLUG on IRC
> May I suggest you to work on the development branch instead. I won't add
> any new activity done on the 8.4 branch branch.
> The 8.5 branch gcomprixogoo is based on the goocanvas and it is where
> our future is.
> http://gcompris.net/wiki/index.php/Developer%27s_corner

I have also considered that but I would have to make sure that 8.5
compiles well on my target OS, I am mostly working with Gdiums, our
current OS is a Mandriva 2008.1 port that runs GCompris 8.4.4 and we
will have 8.4.9 in the next OS release. Is it difficult to port an
activity from 8.4 to 8.5? Do you think 8.5 might have some
dependencies issues with a relatively old OS?

Thanks for your answers.


> --
> Bruno Coudoin

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