[gcompris-devel] RFC: improvements to the admin module for wordlist/wordgame and missing_letter

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Sun Jan 4 12:59:51 UTC 2009

Le vendredi 02 janvier 2009 à 19:16 +0100, miguel2i at free.fr a écrit : 
> Le Mon, 22 Dec 2008 17:03:27 +0100,
> Bruno Coudoin <bruno.coudoin at free.fr> a écrit :
> > Yes, I agree, it's probably the most needed feature in GCompris. If
> > someone want to work on this he/she is welcome.
> Hello,
> I want to work on this.

Excellent. Your welcome.

> I've enable Wordlist button in administation
> (src/boards/python/admin/board_list.py)
> and start to modify wordlist.py
> But could i use ElementTree (a Python module) to manage xml files ?
> This add a new gcompris dependance.

It's better to avoid adding new dependencies. It makes it harder to
maintain GCompris on the different platform we support. By different
platform, I include the different GNU/Linux distributions. 

> This feature can be coded in C using libxml in wordsgame_config without
> new dependance program.

I also believe it's best to code it in C with libxml as it's done with
the rest of GCompris.

But instead of coding it in wordsgame config, it should by coded in the
core of GCompris as a new feature set available to all activities.

> But wordlist is used in wordsgame and reading boards. Should we edit
> wordlist in wordsgame config and reading config ?

You got the issue. If you code it in the core then it will be available
to both activities.

Bruno Coudoin
http://gcompris.net  Free educational software for kids
http://toulibre.org  Logiciel Libre à Toulouse
http://april.org     Promouvoir et défendre le Logiciel Libre

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