[gcompris-devel] Introduction voice set

Frederico Goncalves Guimaraes frederico at gcompris.teia.bio.br
Thu Oct 16 12:44:48 UTC 2008

Hi Bruno and everybody else,

Consta no registro %BC29471 do Livro da Grande Teia que,
em 29/09/08, Bruno escreveu o seguinte:

> A long standing remark I hear concerning GCompris is that it's
> sometimes hard to understand what must be done in an activity. Of
> course we have the internal help but it is not appropriate for
> smaller kids. Having a small spoken introduction may let the children
> to not stop an activity without having an idea of it's goal.

It's really a great idea...  :-)

> This is a starting point, it needs to be refined and I just opened a
> page on our wiki to track this:
> http://gcompris.net/wiki/index.php/Voices_translation
> Some texts are too longs and some are missing. If someone is
> interested in this task, please go ahead and edit the wiki to
> complete this work.

Here in Brazil the children that know GCompris simply LOVES it. So I'll
translate this page and start a project to translate the voices to

But I'm having a problem here. I'm following the first instructions,
checked out the svn repository, changed to gcompris directory, but
can't execute the command "make update-voices". I'm getting this

make: *** No rule to make target `update-voices'.  Stop.

So what can I do to correct this? I'm using Debian Lenny here.

Best regards,

Linux User #228171
Debian-BR User #434
Sítio pessoal: http://teia.bio.br
Projeto Software Livre Educacional: http://sleducacional.org

"Liberdade, essa palavra que o sonho humano alimenta, que não há
ninguém que explique e ninguém que não entenda." (Cecília Meireles)

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