[gcompris-devel] [Announce GCompris 8.3.5]

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Thu Feb 14 20:35:57 UTC 2008

This is an updated Windows version that includes the latest feature and
bug fixes of the yesterday 8.4.4 release.

Changes from 8.3.4:
* Fixed many potential crash of GCompris in the key_press activity callback.
* Ed Montgomery created the canada region map for the
  geography country activity.
* Now use the voice set from trunk. The sounds are smaller.
* Fixed missing translation in python activity like chat and administration
* Fixed a crash that happens when you click on the image just once it is fully

* Anand Kulkarni added support for Urdu, including voices.
* Added bulgarian voices made by Iassen Kertov

Bruno Coudoin
http://gcompris.net Free educational software for kids
http://toulibre.org Logiciel Libre à Toulouse

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