[gcompris-devel] RFC: improvements to the admin module for wordlist/wordgame and missing_letter

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Mon Dec 22 16:03:27 UTC 2008

Le samedi 20 décembre 2008 à 11:28 +0200, Jorge Mariano a écrit :
> Hi everybody,
> As I'm not a programmer, just a user I would like to submit a few ideas 
> to the programmers in order to improve Gcompris towards making the life 
> of the  teachers easier and for the students/users to be able to like it 
> more and learn more from it.
> I've been thinking on ways to make more modular the way Gcompris is 
> working toward the boards WordGame and Missing_Letter.
> A request I get from the teachers that I talk to is for them to be able 
> to change the content at will, so as to be able to fit their teachings.
> Since Gcompris is using already .XML files I suppose that it would be 
> easy to modify the code to make it more teacher friendly.
> here are a few ideas : 
> -= for wordgame =-
> in module admin
>    module wordgame
>        option wordlist
> make an  entry window/panel where you can :
>  -  choose which level  [123456] to work on
>  -  [add] [edit] [remove]
>  - [save] [exit]
> so that the teacher is able to choose the level he wants to work on, 
> then [add] new words, [edit] some words to make a variant of them or 
> [remove] the word from the list.
> when he finishes the modifications he can then [save] the modifications 
> the the .XML file and [exit] the module.
> -==-
> -=for Missing_letter =-
> in module admin
>    module Missing_Letter
>        option Letterlist
> make an  entry window/panel where you can :
>  -  choose which level  [123456] to work on
>  -  [add] [edit] [remove]
>  - [save] [exit]
> For the [Add] option you will have to insert text with a _ where is the 
> missing letter followed by the options letters and the [picture] to show 
> for this entry. here you will have a button to press to go to the file 
> system of your computer to tell where to find the picture to copy and 
> attach to this entry.
> when the teacher chooses to [save] , then the .XML file is saved and the 
> picture(s) is/are copied to the proper directory in Gcompris file system.
> -==-
> I hope that it will be some small modifications that will bring a lot of 
> smiles to the children faces

Yes, I agree, it's probably the most needed feature in GCompris. If
someone want to work on this he/she is welcome.

Bruno Coudoin
http://gcompris.net  Free educational software for kids
http://toulibre.org  Logiciel Libre à Toulouse
http://april.org     Promouvoir et défendre le Logiciel Libre

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