[gcompris-devel] missing menu in Admin suite

jeffery.billing at bigpond.com jeffery.billing at bigpond.com
Tue Oct 30 02:02:22 UTC 2007

Thank you for your help.
I have re-installed python-sqlite.

I am certain that it was in the original distro (Ubuntu 7.10). 

I installed a later version of Gcompris - before I installed it I used a utility called 'Manage 3rd Party software' to remove the old copy of Gcompris. I think this program must have found a 'dependency' with python-sqlite and Gcompris and removed it as part of the removing actio

I have 'Ubuntu' installed on my 'home computer' but will be installing 'edubuntu' on the school computers.

I am looking forward to working with this suite of programs and no doubt you will be hearing from me again!!

P.S. I have just installed 'edubuntu' on another spare machine I have got at home.
I have discovered that some of the programs required by Gcompris are not installed. I will attack this problem in a methodical way shortly and then send you a list so that hopefully you can contact your friends at Ubuntu and alert them to this problem.

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