[gcompris-devel] Performance issues

Terje Bergström terje at terje.fi
Sun Oct 7 11:56:33 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 03 October 2007 23:57:45 Bruno Coudoin wrote:
> The database includes the GCompris release and we refresh it if the
> running version doesn't match the database. There are no post install
> script to do, the issue is only for developers.

Yes, I intended to add the postinstall script so that it gets automatically 
run after installing. So not visible to users at all.

Another choice would be to start modifying VERSION in config.h, I guess. This 
way new packaging version (currently 8.4-1, next will be 8.4-2) would 
automatically force a refresh of the database. Which would you prefer? 

> Perhaps it's a canvas refresh issue. I don't know. You can try to locate
> a slow location and add a printout in the console to try to determine
> better where the delay comes from.

I took confirmation display as example, i.e. the one that pops up when for 
example pressing exit.

I get a printout in display_confirm() at beginning, and after about half a 
second in the end of display_confirm(). After this it still takes three 
seconds for the display to pop up. I don't yet know what happens during those 
three seconds, or how to even find out.

Best regards,

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