[gcompris-devel] gcompris-devel Digest, Vol 7, Issue 10

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Mon Oct 1 19:56:51 UTC 2007

Le lundi 01 octobre 2007 à 01:04 -0400, GoatTuber a écrit :
>         Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 00:00:21 +0200
>         From: Bruno Coudoin <bruno.coudoin at free.fr>
>         Subject: Re: [gcompris-devel] Bug in imagename game
>         To: GCompris developpers list
>         <gcompris-devel at lists.sourceforge.net>
>         Message-ID: <1191016821.5423.43.camel at bruno>
>         Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>         Le vendredi 28 septembre 2007 ? 17:30 -0400, GoatTuber
>         a ?crit :
>         > The instructions for the game are pretty simple, "Drag and
>         Drop each 
>         > item onto its name", but it doesn't actually work that way.
>         If you
>         > drag an image onto its name, it goes back to the bar on the
>         left. The
>         > images have to be dragged to the dot above the name. I think
>         the "hot 
>         > spot" for where you drag it to should be extended all the
>         way down to
>         > the name.
>         That makes sense but it's not so obvious to implement. It
>         means having
>         to support a hot spot title and a drop location. Even with
>         small 
>         children, it should be easy to let them know this, probably
>         they can
>         experiment and find out by themselves.
> Good point. This could be fixed a lot easier by changing the
> instructions to say something like "Place each item above its name".
> That would get the game to follow the instructions for it, without
> having to make major changes to the code. 

I commited the fix in the gcomprixo branch (Future GCompris 8.5) as 
I don't wan't to break the string freeze for that.

Bruno Coudoin
http://gcompris.net Free educational software for kids
http://toulibre.org Logiciel Libre à Toulouse

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