[gcompris-devel] multiple start prevention

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Mon Jul 9 23:21:16 UTC 2007

Le lundi 09 juillet 2007 à 21:58 +0200, José a écrit :
> hi, after I asked for it, I kept 2 minutes wondering why after a crash my 
> gcompris wouldn't try anymore to start.
Hehe, fun to know I did this per your request if I remember correctly ;)

> So my 2 cents : there shoud be a message, at least in debug mode, saying that 
> gcompris won't start because the lock file is less than 30 seconds old ;-)

This is fixed, there is a message now.

> And, trying the latest SVN, I'm stopped by this thing (I though is was 
> disabled by default) :
> Exception exceptions.ImportError: 'No module named mypaint' in 'garbage 
> collection' ignored
> Fatal Python error: unexpected exception during garbage collection

You probably have deprecated mypaint xml menu file installed.
You should cleanup your installation directory:
rm /usr/local/share/gcompris
rm /usr/local/lib/gcompris
make install
gcompris --reread-menu

Bruno Coudoin
http://gcompris.net Free educational software for kids
http://toulibre.org Logiciel Libre à Toulouse

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