[gcompris-devel] window port progress

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Sun Mar 21 14:02:09 UTC 2004

I have been able to compile gcompris on windows using mingw but I am
currently blocked by the plugins.
What happens is that I cannot create shared libs for the plugins because
it tell me the gcompris core entry points are missing.
It seems that I have 2 options:
- create a lib of gcompris core and share link both gcompris and the
plugins with it (uncertainty path).
- create a static version of gcompris were all plugins are staticaly
linked with gcompris core (code change but will work for sure)

I have left python and ogg players out of the compile process for now.

I stopped to work a little bit on that to focus on the new web site
Both project are importants, and I am sad I don't have time to write
more activities, I have so many ideas...


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