[gcompris-devel] Italian voices released as assetml rpm

Francesco Agrusti f.agrusti at email.it
Sun Mar 14 08:58:21 UTC 2004

Bruno Coudoin ha scritto:
> Go to Download them on:
> https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=13320

Thank you very much for your attention to all the matter. I have still a 
problem with geography boards, because I didn't find the France in the 
list of countriea, so I didn't translate it into italian. I notice also 
(only today) that a lot of countries are missed. What we have to do 
about them? I'd like to include all in italian version, but at the 
moment I've got no time to do it.

all the best

Francesco Agrusti

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