[gcompris-devel] Log Module for gcompris

Ralf Jardon ralf.jardon at uni-koeln.de
Tue Jan 20 00:40:00 UTC 2004

Am Di, den 20.01.2004 schrieb Bruno Coudoin um 01:11:

> Here is an example of a failed log in reading
> mar jan 20 00:38:12 CET
> 2004,bruno.maison,bcoudoin,readingv,1,1,FAILED,14.000000,The word to
> find was 'vit'

It looks good...

> Ralf, it's already better I think than your implementation (thanks for
> your help, I took part of your code ;).

No Problem :-)

> Next, I will look at a simple trace viewer. Basically, I think of a
> table in which you can filter. It should be enough for a teacher to find
> it's kids results. A button will let him reset the log when think
> becomes too old and huge.

That´s a good idea too. It´s just what i want to take a quick look at
the results. However, the comma seperated logfile is good to import the
results into a statistic program like oo-calc, gnumeric or SPSS.

Today in the afternoon i´ll send you some suggestions for various
boards.  In the first phase of my investigation in the Kindergarten i´ll
try some boards only and i have to think about the board-specific logs.


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