[gcompris-devel] Log Module for gcompris

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Sun Jan 18 17:56:01 UTC 2004

Ralf, I just looked at your code and it's a good start. Note that I
think we can, based on your code add these feature gcompris wide in one
shot whithout touching the boards themselves. In menu.c the boards are
started and thus we could call your treatment_log_starttime, then from
one level to the other, we can log it in the bonus api and we even know
here if it's a pass or a fail. Last we can log the board quit in the bar
or the bonus.board_finished call.

That's a good oportunity to think about what we need here (stasZ, still
there ?).

With you code, we monitor the time in each board/level. That's a good
start but to be usefull, we need some sucess/failure data and a comment
on what failed so that a teacher can easily read it.


Le dim 11/01/2004 à 16:22, Ralf Jardon a écrit :
> Hello, and happy "new" year to all!
> I am planning a scientific investigation with gcompris. The goal is to
> analyse the learning progress of the children in a "Kindergarten".
> In order to collect some data i've written a small extension to
> gcompris-4.2. The function logs the date, the board name, the level and
> the used time into a file called "/HOMEDIR/USERNAME.gcompris_log".
> Further extensions are possible and desirable.
> The output looks like this:
> current date                 board            action     level  usedtime
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> So Jan 11 14:46:37 CET 2004, Bewege die Maus, running level, 1
> So Jan 11 14:46:40 CET 2004, Bewege die Maus, closing level, 1, 3.000000
> So Jan 11 14:46:42 CET 2004, Bewege die Maus, running level, 2
> So Jan 11 14:46:50 CET 2004, Bewege die Maus, closing level, 2, 8.000000
> So Jan 11 14:46:52 CET 2004, Bewege die Maus, running level, 3
> So Jan 11 14:47:17 CET 2004, Bewege die Maus, closing level, 3, 25.00000
> So Jan 11 14:47:19 CET 2004, Bewege die Maus, running level, 4
> So Jan 11 14:47:51 CET 2004, Bewege die Maus, closing level, 4, 32.00000
> So Jan 11 14:47:53 CET 2004, Bewege die Maus, running level, 5
> So Jan 11 14:48:39 CET 2004, Bewege die Maus, closing level, 5, 46.00000
> This example shows a typical session with the "moving the mouse" board.
> In this case the used time to solve a level is an indicator for the
> ability of the children to work with the mouse. On the other boards some
> other criteria are meaningfull to log (for example the kind of errors).
> This code is a small beginning only but i think a logging mechanism is
> absolutely necessary to analyse the learning behaviour of the children.
> If all boards have such a logging mechnism the next step will be a
> statistic module...  
> I am not very experienced in C programming... so i am sorry for this
> clumsy code in the attachment...
> If somebody have ideas for the logging mechanism i would be glad to hear
> about it and you are invited to work on it ;-)
> Best regards
> Ralf Jardon

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