[gcompris-devel] Log Module for gcompris

Ralf Jardon ralf.jardon at uni-koeln.de
Sun Jan 11 07:23:01 UTC 2004

Hello, and happy "new" year to all!

I am planning a scientific investigation with gcompris. The goal is to
analyse the learning progress of the children in a "Kindergarten".

In order to collect some data i've written a small extension to
gcompris-4.2. The function logs the date, the board name, the level and
the used time into a file called "/HOMEDIR/USERNAME.gcompris_log".
Further extensions are possible and desirable.

The output looks like this:

current date                 board            action     level  usedtime
So Jan 11 14:46:37 CET 2004, Bewege die Maus, running level, 1
So Jan 11 14:46:40 CET 2004, Bewege die Maus, closing level, 1, 3.000000
So Jan 11 14:46:42 CET 2004, Bewege die Maus, running level, 2
So Jan 11 14:46:50 CET 2004, Bewege die Maus, closing level, 2, 8.000000
So Jan 11 14:46:52 CET 2004, Bewege die Maus, running level, 3
So Jan 11 14:47:17 CET 2004, Bewege die Maus, closing level, 3, 25.00000
So Jan 11 14:47:19 CET 2004, Bewege die Maus, running level, 4
So Jan 11 14:47:51 CET 2004, Bewege die Maus, closing level, 4, 32.00000
So Jan 11 14:47:53 CET 2004, Bewege die Maus, running level, 5
So Jan 11 14:48:39 CET 2004, Bewege die Maus, closing level, 5, 46.00000

This example shows a typical session with the "moving the mouse" board.
In this case the used time to solve a level is an indicator for the
ability of the children to work with the mouse. On the other boards some
other criteria are meaningfull to log (for example the kind of errors).

This code is a small beginning only but i think a logging mechanism is
absolutely necessary to analyse the learning behaviour of the children.
If all boards have such a logging mechnism the next step will be a
statistic module...  

I am not very experienced in C programming... so i am sorry for this
clumsy code in the attachment...

If somebody have ideas for the logging mechanism i would be glad to hear
about it and you are invited to work on it ;-)

Best regards
Ralf Jardon

Ralf Jardon, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Seminar für
Heilpädagogisch-Rehabilitationswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Universität zu Köln, Klosterstrasse 79b, D - 50931 Köln
Raum: 330, Tel.: +49-221-470-5536, Fax.: +49-221-470-2167
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