[gcompris-devel] utf-8 patch

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Sun Feb 29 16:23:01 UTC 2004

I see no problem with your proposal. I dont think it makes sense for
french but that does'nt matter since what you are doing will be

BTW, I played with the richtext canvas item. It has to be know that we
can easily edit text in gcompris using it. It works with any locale and
any direction (bi-directional). I have no idea for now but I'd like to
see an activity where the kid needs to edit text.
It could be an introduction to word processing. For example, we display
a sentence and he/she must rewrite it the same. On OK, we underline the
errors, he/she can fix them and click OK again.

Any taker ?


Le lun 01/03/2004 à 00:14, Yan Seiner a écrit :
> Bruno:
> Are you OK with this?  I'd like to know before I spend a lot of time and 
> effort on this.
> --Yan
> Yan Seiner wrote:
> > I've looked at wordgame - I'm thinking of doing similar changes. 
> > Basically change the wordfile to look like
> > 
> > wordspelling wordphoenitic1,wordphoenic2,...
> > 
> > which would allow falling kanji words (as well as chinese, korean, and 
> > who knows what else).
> > 
> > Basically, characters fall, and the child would have to type either the 
> > spellng or any of the phonetic pronounciations.  Along with a keymap, 
> > this would allow entering pronounciation in roman (ascii) or kana for 
> > Japanese.
> > 
> > The phonetic spelling would be optional, thus compatibility with 
> > existing wordfiles would be preserved.
> > 
> > Should not be too difficult to code; lots of bookkeeping and I'd have to 
> > rewrite the main word compare loop to check all possible spelling 
> > instead of just the one.
> > 
> > Maybe when I have time in the next month or two.
> > 
> > --Yan
> > 

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