[gcompris-devel] i18n falling letters

Yan Seiner yan at cardinalengineering.com
Sun Feb 15 15:42:25 UTC 2004

Bruno Coudoin wrote:
> What you are proposing is going to be too complex. This is going too
> far. I want to restrict gcompris to teach simple concept. More advanced
> concept often need dedicated tools. For example, gcompris should not
> replace a real typing tutor like ktouch. 
> In your example, I believe there are tools dedicated to learn kanji.
> Won't it be more appropriate than gcompris ?

Probably.  In the scope of Gcompris, it's most likely best to stick to 
single characters that are on the keyboard.  I think trying to supprt 
input methods for all the different languages would be unwieldy, unless 
code could be found which already does that.  As I said, I don't think 
it would be a trivial task.  I guess I'm looking at it in the context of 
a game; my kids love the falling letters and that's what I'm focusing on.

> Now, more specificaly on your question, I don't think gletters uses the
> sublevel concept. It's up to each board to manage (increment and check
> boundaries) of the level/sublevel. No mysteries here.

OK, I'll have to look at that.  It didn't work for me, but then I didn't 
trace it too far.  I think some rearranging of code may be necessary to 
make it work.

> I had a busy week-end and failed to look at your code. I have to make a
> new release to fix the major bugs we have and prepare the freeedem. I am
> not sure of when i will have time to take care of your code :( Sorry for
> that.

No problem.  I looked at the file I/O in wordgame; doesn't look too 
difficult to copy and modify.  I need to trace the code and find the 
real entry point (where does everything get initialized, anyway?). I'm 
busy with things that I hope will make me money so I can play with 
things like gcompris, so it may take a while.  In the meantime, I've got 
my hacked version working for me.  :-)


      /\ /_       o__
    o*  ~(_)      ,>/'_      o__
Yan Seiner, PE  (_)\(_)     ,>/'_   o__     o__
Cardinal Engineering, Inc. (_)\(_)  ,>/'_   ,>/'_
http://www.cardinalengineering.com (_)\(_) (_)\(_)
spam killer code kpwq1jkcsEzdx39gnkVvgycd15ayqq

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