[gcompris-devel] What's the hurry?

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Thu Feb 5 12:20:37 UTC 2004

Le jeu 05/02/2004 à 17:32, stasZ a écrit :
> Hello all,
> I was just wondering, a few weeks ago a few people on this list,
> including myself, where discussing all kinds of intresting stuff
> like log tools, combining efforts on different subjects even
> the possibility to merge Gcompris and Childsplay.
> We then agree (sort off) to discuss this at Freeedem because
> we have a great opportunity to, perhaps, decide on some issues
> which would be hard to do by mail.
For me I agreed to discuss this at the freedem. No sort off.

> Now there seems to be a log tool, which format is not yet clear but
> it's implemented already.

Yes, we discusses the log format altogether. We were, if my memory is
good in agreement on all except the order of two fields. To me, it's no
big deal, I am ok to review it and change the order if this arrange you.

I want to say that we did this tool fast because we got a end user
contribution on that and to me the development of a such tool is best
achieve with the end user beside us. I thus decide to go fast on that.
Clearly, I have always been reluctant to add a such tool and I do it
only because I got strong request from our users. Personaly, I'd prefer
the teachers to take care of the kids in real time, not by reading logs.
I understand that it's hard to do this way with 10 PCs.

I also created a page on the gcompris wiki to formalize the log format.

> There is a new release with all kinds of new stuff, which seems to be
> very unstable to say the least.

Yes, just a name problem. Should be called 5.0 Beta but you know, who
believes x.0 version are stable anymore ;)

> The windows port is gone?
No. I had no time to work on it.

> Am i missing the point here? or is it who wants to join can join or  
> else, bad luck?
What do you mean? Where is the problem.

> Please don't get me wrong, i'm not even involved in Gcompris but
> i thought to speak my mind, i hoped that we had a great opportunity
> to set some standards for edu-progs in general.
Again, where is the problem. That's what we are doing. We did assetml,
now the log. We are in agreement that python is the good language to
write the code we need. 
We have a toolkit and a legacy issue. To me, gcompris is reaching it's
audience, there is no reason to stop it just for another toolkit.

> Because in my opinion, one of the weak points of GNU/Linux apps is that
> everybody does their thing in their own way, i was hoping that we could
> make a difference for the relative new activity of edu apps.
We do share the same view but there is technical difficulties behind
this. We are not alone with this kind of trouble.


> Stas
> PS, i hope i may still drink some beer at Freeedem with you guys :)
Of course ;)


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