[gcompris-devel] Version Windows

Christof Petig christof at petig-baender.de
Tue Apr 27 01:35:04 UTC 2004

Oh, I realized that you wrote much more.

Bruno Coudoin schrieb:
> The overall plan for gcompris has always been to promote GNU/Linux.
> Having Windows users to pay keeps incentives for users to moves allong
> and format their C:, install GNU/Linux.

Please put a linux binary onto the CD. So users do not feel they have to 
stay with windows to use this CD. And given a python-activity-howto 
book(let) this version would a bonus for linux users, too.

> Hope nobody here take it bad. Feel free to discuss this option,
> especially if you see a better option for gcompris that fits in it's
> goal has explained above.

I made a lot of suggestions elsewhere. At first I was taken aback 
thinking further I support it (given it's not too costly and you share 
the build environment at least with CD buyers).


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