[gcompris-devel] Re: [Ofset-members] assetml released

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Thu Sep 18 14:10:21 UTC 2003

Le mer 17/09/2003 à 22:49, Hilaire Fernandes a écrit :
> On 15 Sep 2003 02:56:51 +0200
> Bruno Coudoin <bruno.coudoin at free.fr> wrote:
>       I just released gcompris 4.0PRE1 that includes assetml as it was
>       specified here:
>       http://freeduc.linuxtag.uni-kl.de/cps/Public/devel/assetml/
>       Now on the ofset download pages, I created assetml sections one global
>       and one for each locale.
> This is great, I look at some of the data archive. However, why did you
> not include yet the libassetml package, is it still tied to Gcompris
> source tree ?
>       As for the C libraries, for now they are in gcompris download section
>       and are named gcompris-libassetml but are not at all dependant to
>       gcompris. One C developper could use gcompris-libassetml-devel to query
>       and use asseml resources without having to install gcompris.
> Ok I understand now. I would like to suggest you to rename
> gcompris-libassetml to libassetml otherwise people may think assetml
> required GCompris :-)
You are Correct. It's fixed.
>       Under development by StasZ from childsplay is a tool to help create an
>       assetml file directly from a directory structure including images and
>       sounds. This tool will be abble to create deb and rpm files directly.
> This looks nice. 
>       I hope this little step will help us create faster better software
>       for kids all over the world.     
> What should we do to let other project use and accept it widely?
I just got the idea to propose assetml to freedesktop.org
We have the idea, the code, and a specification, so why not try ?

> Hilaire
> --
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