[gcompris-devel] chess position to complete

Chris Puttick chris at centralmanclc.com
Sat Oct 25 04:10:02 UTC 2003

Just been playing it (beta testing Freeduc1.4!) - what sort of programming
skill level would I need to complete it? Basically not coded for 10 years,
other than playing a bit with Python and PHP.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruno Coudoin
To: gcompris-devel
Sent: 10/23/03 11:37 PM
Subject: [gcompris-devel] chess position to complete

Anybody interrested in completed the chess activity. I never focused on
providing good exercices for the kids.
It's easy to complete by editing the code in:
chess_position.c:217:position_set_initial_partyend ()
and just after:

There is a switch by level and you just need to fill the position using
code like this:
	/* The white pieces */
	pos->square [E1] = WK;
	pos->square [G1] = WQ;

It's sad to have a great chess game here and not to use it to all it's


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