[gcompris-devel] Python programming in gcompris

Olivier Samyn osamyn at ulb.ac.be
Thu Oct 16 06:00:15 UTC 2003

>I made several (minor) fixes in the bindings. Not so hard to maintain.
>As of today, I have a strange bug. When I hit a key in my board, (like
>space while in watercycle), it stops python with an error on the next
>objet move I do. It says argument must be an int. Just checked in
>pythontest and it's the same:
>TypeError: could not convert value for property `width_units'
>Any idea where I should look at ?
If I remember me good, width_units is a parameter of some gnome_canvas drawing function no ?

In this case, the python binding only use the pygtk/gnome-python one. So there is probably something there.

Do you tried with "width_units=5" ? 

Maybe you will have to send me some parts of the code around this line so that I can check what's wrong... 

I will also try to get the cvs and take a look at it...

Olivier Samyn.

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