[gcompris-devel] Python programming in gcompris

Olivier Samyn osamyn at ulb.ac.be
Wed Oct 15 16:01:08 UTC 2003

Bruno Coudoin wrote:

>I finaly decided to implement a new activity. It will be the water
>First, I tried to code it in childsplay (http://childsplay.sf.net) with
>the help of Stas its author. It uses pygame (python+SDL). I implemented
>the start of the game but stopped I found SDL too complex to program.
>It's too low level for me. Anyway, peaple wanting to implement high
>performance activity should look toward childsplay. It's young but
>Then I found that python is simple and efficient but disliked SDL, so I
>decided to have a better look at the python integration that Olivier
>Samyn did for us several monthes ago. And frankly it RULES !!!
Nice to hear this...
 There are maybe somewhat work to do on the python binding for gcompris 
but I hope it works already as expected !!

I will got the adsl connection in a few week now... be ready for new 
devels from me :)

>I am more than happy with this. The code is not complete but was I was
>abble to acomplish with so few line and time astonish me. More than the
>language itself, you can edit (with emacs of course) your python board
>in one window and run gcompris in another. When you want to test you
>code, just re-enter the activity your are coding in gcompris. No more
>need to compile/reload gcompris !!
This is the advantage of having a scripting language: no need to compile.
And here you get more since you only need to relaunch the activity...

But also do you tried the oriented object aspect of python ? Once you 
have finished your activity, you may extend it with a new class that 
reimplement only some functions and you get a new activity without 
having to code an entire one...

>Saddly, nobody is developping new activity in gcompris like if this
>project was complete. I don't think so, we still have room in gcompris
>to bring fun and education to the kids.
>Hope it will give ideas to you and have a look at the python way, it
>make the thinks much more fun. Olivier made us a great gift with python,
>we really have to use it. 
>I recommend all new activity to be coded in python
With such suggestions, I will need to integrate the latest gcompris 
devels: ogg sound, latest functions, ...

Hope I will get some time next months...


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